So here it is..

I'm a Vancouver Film School student living it up in Vancouver, Canada. I am in my second year at VFS studying Digital Design. I am really interested in that beautiful little place where film and motion graphics meet! Its pretty rad.


a bit about process

making the steps
removing background
animate the character
brighten the steps her feet are on. 


a little 2pac /rice crsipies mash up you know how it is.




In term 3 we have our one and only classical animation class. Here is my four second animation, its just captured on a line tester so its pretty poor quality. Basically a caterpillar falls out of a tree, bounces off a flower and is about to fall to its death but turns into a butterfly in the nick of time. I'm pretty proud of it seeing as drawing and classical animation are something I am not particularly good at ( as you can tell by my high quality background drawing.)



My dad put some old pictures of my grandma and grandpa and his family in the drop box the other day, I think they are worth sharing.
love this one


Umbrella ella ella eh

Some photos from term 1 lens based media assignment
featuring Angie. The final product was a simple arrangement of 12 photos separated into 3 different sequences of four photos based on color.


skull face

An allegory on death/mortality for art and creativity term 2 via photoshop

which ultimately led to ...
Maddy the skull


Clap your hands for team work

Finished up some shots and footage for discovery today. A bunch of us helped each other out in the photo studio for some green screen shots which was fun. I took it upon myself to be the behind the scenes on set photographer =). It was helpful to watch other people and how they like to work, and bounce ideas off each other. Clap your hands for team work.
Here are a few shots from today

 The wonderful Bray Jorstad doing some directing

 Bray's discovery featuring Bernardo and the boys

Maria, my little performer

 The fantastic Angie Vancuren 

Angie's performer 'the great mexican'