So here it is..

I'm a Vancouver Film School student living it up in Vancouver, Canada. I am in my second year at VFS studying Digital Design. I am really interested in that beautiful little place where film and motion graphics meet! Its pretty rad.


the evolution of the title

how it started to how it is currently.(just iphone pics of a comp screen so prettttty bad quailty) The only sneak peak!
Plain solid background, plain white text w/ drop shadow, one spot light and jail bars.
added blood splatter
got rid of the jail bars (to distracting), animated text as a 3D layer, replaced background with a concrete texture, replaced blood splatter with another version and improved blending modes and color values in the blood splatter


music vid

Yes, the song is good. But the video is really cool! At first I watched it and thought it was just the same like 13 seconds played over and over  but the band s actually singing and moving around in the center of the dancers. The choreo is sweet and I just love the overall concept of the video.



Here is the next two parts of Peter Jacksons video blog fot the hobbit. 
Part two is actually pretty boring its just about location scouting I would skip it..
part 2
part 3



a look at a before and after for the mug shots


This movie looks awesome (besides the fact its the American version) this trailer is edited together so nicely!


thats a wrap

Today was my last day of filming with my cast! We had a small three woman crew but it was good!

you can imagine the reaction the street passerbys had




I am making promotional posters for my final for fun.  There will be one for each character. Here is the first one! click on it to make it big.