So here it is..

I'm a Vancouver Film School student living it up in Vancouver, Canada. I am in my second year at VFS studying Digital Design. I am really interested in that beautiful little place where film and motion graphics meet! Its pretty rad.



 setting up
 Me and my wonderful makeup artist Nessa Pineda
 julen getting shot

 Ludi was teaching her how to punch
 These two were funny together
 My widow and Gentleman taking a break
 My amazing bombshell producer/manager
 Dolly shot - my feature move
 I was just directing with this umbrella all day, for no reason at all

Mug shot line up

 again with the umbrella


umbrella shot gun - best thing i have ever made and will ever create in teh history of my life.
 Came in to get them to film and they were both passed out!
 So cute
 Mayumi couldnt blow a bubble on camera so she got some moral support

Thanks to all my cast and crew you were brilliant and brought something new to the project. 

Angie Vancuren
Jessica Lee
Red Park
Marc St.Onge
Nessa Pineda
Sam Mansouri
Ludi (?)
Gabrielle Giraud
Mayumi Yoshida
Julen Murguia

and a big thanks to
Skye Radies
Sam Koopman