So here it is..

I'm a Vancouver Film School student living it up in Vancouver, Canada. I am in my second year at VFS studying Digital Design. I am really interested in that beautiful little place where film and motion graphics meet! Its pretty rad.


Brainstreams Client Project

I am now entering term 3 of digital design at Vancouver Film School and a week in we are already busy with work. The main project this term is a "What's the Big Idea?" class or a client project. We split into teams and are all paired up with real non-profit clients and are given specific briefs to carry out for the rest of the term. It is very exciting to be working for a real client and to be doing work that will benefit others and hopefully make a difference in people lives. I decided to join up with Brainstreams as my non-profit client. We got together into teams and I have a team of 5 dedicated to creating videos and motion videos to benefit the client. We are also collaborating with a interactive team to help present our content and information in an interesting way. It is a interesting challenge to try and present information in a new and innovative way to people who may be dealing with a brain injury, to family members of brain injured to doctors and physicians with lots of knowledge on the subject. We are workign on a way to provide support and information in a way that is not text heavy and is personal and easy to support for people who are tired of hearing the same old thing on brain injuries.

here is a video that a previous VFS Digital Design group created for brainstreams a few monthes back. this si part of the reason brainstreams came back to VFS for student work.

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